Add or modify a cloud service connection

Each space has its own cloud service connections. This enables different spaces to be used for different publishing needs (e.g. ‘website’ in one space and ‘public docs’ in another).

Up to five cloud service connections can be added in each space. These could be different connections to one service (e.g. ‘staging’, ‘production’) or different services for different content destinations (e.g. ‘app onboarding’, ‘web onboarding’).

Add a new cloud service connection

Add a cloud service connection from the Publish to Cloud page under Space Settings for the space from which you want to publish.

Navigate to your chosen space. The Spaces menu in the top navigation is usually the quickest way to do this. From within the space, select Space Settings in the left hand navigation, then Publish to Cloud under the Integrations sub-heading (you may need to scroll to locate this).

Space Settings page with Publish to Cloud under the Integrations sub-heading

If this is the first connection for the space, select Add cloud service connection under set up.

Publish to Cloud page in Space Settings page with 'Add cloud service connection' as the only visible action

If there are existing connections, select Add cloud service connection under the cloud service connections table. If there are already five cloud service connections in the space, you will need to delete an existing connection before adding a new one.

Publish to Cloud page in Space Settings showing cloud service connection list and the 'Add cloud service connection' button

Select the desired cloud service from the drop down.

Cloud service connection dropdown showing a list of cloud services

Fill in the connection details and press Save.

Add cloud service connection page with a cloud service selected

Edit an existing cloud service connection

Edit a cloud service connection from the Publish to Cloud page under Space Settings for the space in question.

From the cloud service connections table, select Edit for the cloud service connection that you want to modify.

Publish to Cloud page in Space Settings showing cloud service connection list with an 'Edit' button next to each connection

Adjust connection details using the form and press Save.

Edit cloud service connection page showing previously saved details

Delete a cloud service connection

Delete a cloud service connection from the Publish to Cloud page under Space Settings for the space in question.

From the cloud service connections table, select Edit for the cloud service connection that you want to delete.

Publish to Cloud page in Space Settings showing cloud service connection list with an 'Edit' button next to each connection

Select Delete connection in the bottom right of the form. You may need to scroll locate this.

Edit cloud service connection page showing previously saved details

Publish to Cloud for Confluence docs