We make software and offer design mentoring

Display Issue Data for Confluence

Embed specific fields from Jira issues in Confluence to build project reports, plans and summaries with the precise Jira data you need.

Brand new on the Atlassian Marketplace for Confluence Cloud!

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Display Issue Data for Conflunece - embed specific fields from Jira issues in Confluence

Publish to Cloud for Confluence

Use Confluence as a headless CMS for Jamstack website content by publishing directly to cloud services like GitHub, Amazon S3 and Zapier.

Available now on the Atlassian Marketplace for Confluence Cloud

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Codegeist 2022

Winner Second Place, Business Category

Winner Best of Region, Asia Pacific


One of the many things trees teach us, is that we’re all in this forest together. We can make and create and put things out into the world, while also supporting the people around us. When the forest is healthy, trees thrive.

We offer mentoring in design and people management with Judd Garratt. He's our Founder, a design leader and 10-year Atlassian veteran. It’s our contribution to a healthy forest.

Details and testimonials Path of Trees tea

Judd offers a wealth of design knowledge and leadership experience. I can say with confidence that Judd's mentorship has had a tangible impact on my career. His empathetic and understanding approach is unparalleled.

JR, Design Lead

Path of Trees plant avatar

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