Embed issue data as a table
Use an Advanced Issue Macro to embed issue data as a table. You can customise the columns shown.
Start by adding an Advanced Issue Macro to a page or blog. On the issue selection modal, pick one or more issues and then click Select fields.
From the field selection view, click Display as table from the view options at the bottom of the modal. This will switch the preview to display the selected issues as a table.
You can edit the fields shown as normal, adding fields from the Add a field selector and reordering fields by clicking and dragging the field in the fields list.
Each field corresponds to one column on the table. If a cell is empty, the most likely reason is that the field in question currently has no data for that issue. If the field is populated in Jira, the embedded table will automatically update and display the information.
In the example below, we have added and reordered fields to create a custom issue table. When you have finished configuring fields, click Insert to embed the issue table into Confluence.